The Landscape, The Drawings, The Curtains
Project undertaken as a 3rd year student at the Architectural Association.
Tutor: Ana Araujo.
Niall Hobhouse owns the architectural drawing collection called “Drawing Matter”. Nowadays, his collection is stored in his Archives on his farm in Somerset. “The Shatwell Farm” also inhabits a studio, his house as well as different agricultural buildings. Our aim as student is to inspire Mr Hobhouse by providing an exhibition space for his drawing collection. Niall Hobhouse also has an interest in providing a café, bookshop and small educational space for the residents of Somerset, students and other guests to spend time on his farm and explore his collection. My design proposal includes an external curtain that guides visitors from galleries to restaurant, and grames outdoor events. In its lightness, peculiarity and simplicity it reflects the curatorial attitude of the client, while also addressing his controversial postulation that “architecture, in the end, is nothing but a gesture in landscape design”.