Brasserie Cantillon
Physical Model
Architect: Générale Assemblée d’Architectes
The Cantillon brewery is the last representative of the Brussels brewing industry. Run by a family, the brewery also welcomes visitors who are interested in the fabrication process of the famous gueuze beer. The Cantillon brewery sits in the centre of Brussels in the same building since its creation, in the beginning of the 20th century. The brewery is composed of two houses which are connected from the inside. The building has not been adapted to guide visitors in a circuit without passing through every room of the factory which can be disturbing for the workers of the brewery.
Therefore, the family wanted to build an addition on top of house on the right side of the street. This addition would inhabits a museum to learn more about the history of the brewery as well as a bar to taste some of their products after their visit.
The challenge of the office (Générale Assemblée d’Architectes), was to convince the client to undertake such an intervention. Indeed, the family was afraid of construction works as it might change air quality inside the brewery and disturb the fermentation process and the taste of the beer.
A large scale wooden model was made in order to explain the process of the project to the client. Each part of the model, from the basement to the roof could be unmounted and mounted very easily which facilitate the discussion.